The Audio Precision's System SYS-2722 is the newest generation ofPC-controlled audio test and measurement instruments. The 2700 seriescontinues to provide the unmatched distortion and noise performancerequired to test the latest advances in converter technology, whileraising the bar with new 192k digital input and output capabilities.
In the SYS-2722 dual-domain architecture provides uncompromisedperformance for both analog and digital signals: the hardware generatorand analyzer specifications surpass those of any digital configuration,while digital analysis techniques offer a wide array of high-speed,precise measurements for either domain. Cross-domain work can beaccomplished using the best of both worlds.
When ordering aSYS-2702, 2712 or 2722 ("A" or "G"), you MUST specify (as a separateline item) one of the following low pass filter selections (included inprice of instrument)
-S-AES17 Special lowpass filter satisfies AES17 for measurements in the presenceof out-of-band noise. Includes 20 kHz and 40 kHz brick wall filters(FLP-B20K and FLP-B40K). This filter requires two filter slots.
-OPT-2020 Pre-analyzer lowpass filter
Available Options:
IMD = Adds IMD generator and analyzer to SYS-2702, SYS-2712, or SYS-2722
W&F = Adds wow and flutter analyzer to SYS-2702, SYS-2712, or SYS-2722
BUR = Adds tone burst, square wave and noise generator to SYS-2702, SYS-2712,
or SYS-2722
EURZ = Changes analog generator source impedance to be 40, 200, or 600 ohms in SYS-2702, SYS-2712, or SYS-2722
2711 =Adds the Dolby Digital Generator option to a new SYS-2722 orSYS-2720, allowing the encoding of stimulus tones in Dolby Digital(AC-3) before digital output. Includes IEC61937 and licensed DolbyDigital encoding software, and proprietary Audio Precision streaminginterface (APSI) hardware installed in the instrument. (Not compatiblewith GPIB systems)