The Anritsu MS2721A is the most advanced ultra-portable spectrumanalyzer on the market, featuring unparalleled performance and size at amodest price. This is a high performance handheld spectrum analyzer.The MS2721A is the first fully-functional handheld spectrum analyzerdesigned to conduct highly accurate analysis on the new wave of wirelessLAN and cellular signals, including 802.11a, 3G, ultra-wideband, WiMAX,and wireless medical patient monitoring systems. The MS2721A is idealfor AM and FM broadcast proofing because the wide dynamic range, makesNRSC measurements on analog or IBOC signals easy with no need for anexternal carrier notch filter. The MS2721A is a small and easy to useportable spectrum analyzer with unprecedented measurement capability forapplications up to 7.1 GHz. Weighing in at less than 7 pounds, it isequally at home on the engineering bench and in the field.
Spectrum Master model MS2721A is an entirely new instrument fordeploying, maintaining and troubleshooting wireless base stations andWi-Fi (802.11a, b and g) systems. Options add spectrogram, signalstrength and RSSI. There is an option to add user definable channelscanner option that is excellent for interference mitigation work incomplicated RF environments
Several smart measurements are built into the MS2721A, including channelpower, adjacent channel power ratio, Carrier to Interference ratio(C/I), and field strength. In addition, an AM/FM/SSB demodulator isincluded. Demodulated signals can be monitored using the internalspeaker or by using a universal 2.5 mm 3-wire headset, such as used withmany cellular telephones.
The MS2721A spectrum analyzer has low phase noise of -100 dBc/Hz @ 10kHz offsets, best in its class typical DANL of -153 dBm at 1 GHz,resolution bandwidth (RBW) range of 10 Hz to 3 MHz and video bandwidth(VBW) range of 1 Hz to 3 MHz. It also has the fastest sweep speeds ofany spectrum analyzer in its class.
The use of external Compact Flash memory modules up to 512 MB allows anunlimited number of traces and setups to be stored. Measurements may bestored directly to the compact flash module. A 512 MB module will holdover 20,000 measurements. Remote programming using the Ethernet 10/100Base-T connection is provided using SCPI programming. Both the Ethernetconnection and the USB 2.0 connection give the user flexibility inremotely operating the instrument using Anritsu's remote accesssoftware, shipped with the product. Measurements and setups may beuploaded and downloaded using either the Ethernet or the USB connection.