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Racal Instruments 1256 Switching System 

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Model No.: 1256

Racal Instruments 1256 Switching System

Racal Instruments 1256
The1256 switching system is a high performance switching and controlsystem in a compact 2U rack mountable package. The unit draws uponRacal's decades of experience as a major automated test equipment (ATE)switching supplier to set a new standard in switching systems. With theaddition of an Ethernet 10/100 interface, Model 1256 easily connects tocomputers at remote locations.
Wide Range of Plug-Ins Model 1256 controls up toeightAdapt-a-Switch™ plug-ins for switching and digitalI/O. Theseplug-ins provide a wide range of switchingcapability: high currentto 13A, high voltage to 1kV,RF/microwave to 18GHz, and even digitalI/O with 96channels per plug-in. The user can easily configuretheseplug-ins into a high-performance, low-cost solution to satisfyany switch application. A single 1256 can accommodate any one ofthe following configurations, and countless others:
    • 1152-pointmatrix
    • 512-channelscanner/multiplexer
    • 640 SPSTswitches
    • 768 channelsof TTL, CMOS, or open-collector digital I/O
High-Speed Switching The 1256 switching system reduces test times with its highthroughput and timesaving advanced features. It scansmore than100 channels per second, and opens or closesmore than 200 channelsin less than 0.1 second.
Non-Volatile MemoryThe non-volatile memory stores up to 100 complete switch statesand includes a separate automatic power-up state. Inaddition, the1256 can store all user designatedpreferences such as RS-232 baudrates, GPIB address, anddisplay settings and have these automaticallyrestored atpower-up.
In addition, users employing the remote interfaces can store andrecall both module and path names.
Advanced TriggeringThe 1256 synchronizes with other equipment using the externaltriggerin/out signals. Coupled with the advanced scanlist features, thetriggering facilitates rapid,automated measurements with minimalintervention from theuser or system controller.
Intuitive Front Panel Control The highly intuitive menu-driven interface consists of adisplay,four soft-keys, and a knob. This powerfulinterface provides easyaccess to all relay and digitalI/O states, system preferences,and non-volatile memoryfeatures of the 1256 switching system.
GPIB and RS-232 Remote InterfacesThe GPIB and RS-232 remote interfaces provide any terminal orcomputerwith access to all standard features. The remoteinterfaces areIEEE 488.2 and SCPI compliant. Inaddition, the remote interfacescan access advancedfeatures:
    • Path LevelSwitching - Assign names to relay paths for ease of reference
    • IncludeLists- Automatically close multiple relays with a single command
    • ExcludeLists - Build large scanners using mutually-exclusive relaygroups
    • Scan List- Define sequentially-closed relay groups
    • TriggerDelays- Time relay closures to coincide with external events
    • SwitchMode - Select make-before-break, break-before-make, or immediaterelay closures
    • ConfidenceMode - Automatically verify relay response
Ms. Heather
 Ms. Heather

Tel: 1-407-804-1299
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Test Equipment Connection Corporation [United States]

Business Type:Trading Company, Distributor/Wholesaler
City: Lake Mary
Province/State: USA
Country/Region: United States

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