Fluke 5520A-SC300
Fluke 5520A Calibrator
TheFluke 5520A builds on the 5500A's capabilities, extending its workloadcoverage even further. Its improved accuracy, expanded ranges, andcapability to calibrate 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 digit multimeters can covervirtually all your high-performance workload, including: Handheld andbench meters (analog and digital) up to 6 1/2 digits
* Thermocouple and RTD thermometers
* Process calibrators
* Data loggers
* Strip and chart recorders
* Watt meters
* Power harmonics analyzers
* Current clamps and clamp meters
* Analog or digital handheld and bench oscilloscopes (with options)
* Panel meters
* Graphical multimeters
* Power meters, disturbance analyzers, power quality monitors, recordersand other power quality related equipment (with option)
Option SC300:
SC300 enables the versatile
5500A andthe enhanced performance 5520A to calibrate the most widely used analogand digital scopes up to 300 MHz. It is a plug-in module that fitsinside the 5500A or 5520A Multi-Product Calibrator