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Wavetek 9100 Calibration Kits Calibrators 

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Model No.: 9100

Wavetek 9100 Calibration Kits Calibrators

Also branded as Fluke 9100 after Fluke's acquisition of this productfamily. If you're constantly being asked to calibrate more and more withless and less, Wavetek's 9100 Calibration System is the answer you'vebeen waiting for.Its exceptional performance in both the analog anddigital domain allows it to calibrate an extremely wide range of testand measurement equipment - quickly, efficiently and to ISO 9000requirements. For the 9100, calibrating everything from handheld digitalmultimeters to high performance digital-storage oscilloscopes is allpart of a day's work. Take advantage of the Model 9100's uniqueprocedure mode, which guides operators step-by-step through the entirecalibration process, and you'll not only calibrate more with less -you'll do it faster. The 9100 is a multifunction calibrator with abreadth and depth of outputs never before available from a singlecalibration source. In addition to DC and AC voltage to 1050V, variableResistance to 400Mohms and DC and AC current to 20A (1000A via theoptional current coils), the 9100 delivers continuously variablecapacitance values to 40mF and conductance values to 2.5 milliSiemens.It also generates digitally synthesized and phase-locked sine, square,triangle, impulse and trapezoidal waveforms, variable amplitude pulsesto 10 MHz, pulse widths to 2 seconds, and duty cycles between 0.05% and99.95%. Add one of the two oscilloscope calibration options and itgenerates all the waveforms required to calibrate oscilloscopes up to250 MHz or 600 MHz. No other multi-product calibrator gives you suchwide workload coverage and versatility.
Ms. Heather
 Ms. Heather

Tel: 1-407-804-1299
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Test Equipment Connection Corporation [United States]

Business Type:Trading Company, Distributor/Wholesaler
City: Lake Mary
Province/State: USA
Country/Region: United States

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