Pendulum Instruments CNT-81-56 Timing Analyzer
Product Detail
Pendulum Instruments CNT-81-56 Timing Analyzer
Pendulum Instruments CNT-81-56
Counter/Timer/AnalyzerFrequency Range 300MHzResolution 50 psGPIB interface.
Pendulum Instruments offers a choice of two high-performancetimer/counter models; the fast/high-resolution CNT-81 and the CNT-81R with built-inRubidium time base, which allows frequency calibration of the highest possiblespecified oven oscillators. The counters are equipped with GPIB-interface asstandard, for use in automatic test systems, or in PC-controlled instrument clusterson the lab bench or workshop bench. The standard frequency range of 225/300 MHzcan be extended to 2.7 GHz. With the new 8 GHz prescaler input option,the frequency measuring range is extended into 8 GHz. Optional timebase oscillatorsextend the timebase stability to 0.02 ppm/year. The CNT-81R has a built-in atomicclock standard (Rubidium).
- 8000 measurements/sec
- High resolution: 1ps (time) 11 digits/s (freq.), 0.001 (phase)
- Rubidium stability: 0.0001 ppm
- High trigger resolution: 1.25 mV
- Advanced arming/hold-off
- Modulation Domain Analysis SW
- EMC-immunity for noisy environments
- 8 GHz option for microwave & RF testing
- Ideal for fast test systems, R&D and calibration laboratoires
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